Pristine facilities are critical to your brand image and dozens of studies confirm it.
The brand experience needs to be a high priority when designing and constructing a company’s physical space. Every square foot of your building can and should support your brand identity, including the floor. In this blog post we’re going to talk about how the right choice of commercial flooring can enhance and strengthen the perception of your brand with your customers.
Commercial floor coating must be both durable and able to withstand the demanding situations encountered in industrial environments. It’s one of the reasons so many commercial and industrial facilities are moving toward extra heavy-duty concrete floor coatings. But it is just as important that the floor finish be aesthetically pleasing. When people visit your facility, you want them to be impressed with it and with your company. No matter what industry you’re in, nobody wants to walk on unsafe, ugly floors.
You can tell just by looking when a floor is at the end of its useful life. Vinyl will loosen at the edges, carpet will be stained and torn, ceramic tile will crack and chip, and epoxy will discolor and peel. If it’s time for a new surface, consider replacing your existing flooring with a polyurea floor finish such as Wahlen Works PolyCoat System.
Polyurea is the best choice for areas which are subject to heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic. It offers a water tight seal, the surface doesn’t absorb chemicals, and it protects against abrasion, corrosion, and UV damage. It’s also beautiful, and can be branded with color and style options that are almost limitless.
PolyCoat Commercial Floor Coating
A heavy-duty floor coating is necessary for a wide variety of industrial, commercial, and maintenance environments. Nearly every one of them has to accommodate high traffic, heavy loads, high impacts, and/or abrasive agents. The surface of the floor needs to be able to stand up to extreme pressure. And, equally important, these trusted companies have a brand image to protect. PolyCoat commercial floor coating achieves all of these objectives in each off the following environments.
Food Processing Plants. Food processing plants are not only responsible for the image of their own brand, they’re also responsible for the brand reputation of the products they produce. Sanitation is incredibly important. Plant floors need to survive spills, chemical cleanings, and frequent power washing. PolyCoat is easier to clean than uncoated concrete and seals the floor, keeping bacteria out.
Food Service and Restaurant. In the competitive restaurant industry, cleanliness can make or break a brand. Quarry tile is often used, but both the tile and the grout are porous and difficult to keep clean. They absorb contaminants over time, a problem that can be eliminated with a PolyCoat floor coating.
Health Care Facilities. It’s no surprise that the highest levels of sanitation are expected from medical facilities. Unlike vinyl flooring, PolyCoat flooring is seamless and completely bonded to the concrete underneath preventing areas where trapped moisture can allow pathogens to grow. In addition, a polyurea floor coating is resistant to the harsh cleaning agents that are used in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and even veterinarian offices.
Manufacturing Plants. Manufacturing plants and factories are high impact environments. Their floors have to be abrasion resistant and able to withstand heavy things being dropped on them or dragged across them. If you’re running equipment around the clock, you don’t have time to baby your floors. In addition, the appearance of the workplace is important to an employer’s human resources brand. PolyCoat offers durability along with an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Hospitality. When staying at a hotel or other type of lodging, guests have high standards of cleanliness for everything from their guest room to the conference room and everywhere in between. They also want their surroundings to be lovely. There are few things more important to a hospitality brand than the appearance of their properties. A PolyCoat floor coating satisfies on all counts.
In addition to the above, other businesses that require the heavy duty floor coatings are offices, retail locations, fitness centers, warehouses, and any place where vehicles are parked. Polyurea can replace almost any other type of flooring and do a better job of representing the brand to the public.
Keep in mind that polyurea is often mistaken for epoxy. Epoxy is more popular and more easily found in a Google search, but it’s not the equal of polyurea — the base of our PolyCoat floor finish. Polyurea contains a two-compound, 98% solids basecoat. It is 20x stronger than epoxy and has 98% percent flexibility compared to 2% for epoxy. The higher solid content increases the long-term durability of the floor coating. The flexibility allows it to expand and contract where epoxy will crack and chip.
It is possible to have a beautiful, durable floor in the toughest commercial and industrial environments. You can hire Wahlen Works to install your commercial floor finish with complete confidence. We have protected and maintained concrete surfaces since 1979 and you will be in expert hands. Our technicians are highly trained and we will respect your time by completing the project in one day on your schedule. Talk to us today about your commercial floor coating project.